An online lifestyle magazine for Christian women

A Life Update: Filled with Gratitude

By , March 10, 2025

My daughter Alexa with my husband behind her

I am so thankful right now for everything God has poured into my life. I just needed to take a moment to share an update with you.

We didn’t talk about this online, but my husband Juan is a truck driver and had been working the night shift. This was affecting his sleep – he was having trouble sleeping during the day and he wasn’t logging that many hours of sleep. Also, he was a floater, which meant he had a different route every night and our income would fluctuate.

He has been working this job since fall of 2023, a few months after Alexa was born. This job enabled us to become a one-income family, which we are grateful for. Still, we have been consistently praying for him to have an assigned route. This would mean a steady income and the ability to settle into a routine. Part of the decision to give him a route is based on seniority, which is why we had to wait.

Recently, our prayer was answered. Juan was given a route, and it is a day shift! We are so thankful for a steady income, regular sleep, and nights spent together. I am so grateful for this new blessing in our lives. 

As I reflect on my life, I never would have thought based on the struggles I endured seven years ago that I would be where I am today. I have a wonderful husband and a precious daughter, who recently said, “I love you!” for the first time. I have amazing friendships for which I am so thankful. They are people that have my back, and who I know will stand by me in tough times. I live close to my family, and they are a huge part of my daughter’s life. 

I am also thankful for this blog. It’s been a blessing to work with other people, through interviews and through writing contributions that my friends have made. My hope is that this blog can grow into something that earns an income for my family, but more importantly, I hope it becomes a ministry. Through sharing truth about God, my testimony of overcoming mental illness, and through the involvement of others, I want to provide inspiration to help you walk in God’s freedom.

God truly brings good out of the worst situations. I am forever grateful for the way he has redeemed every misstep in my life and turned it into a blessing.

About Lauren Rose Correa

Lauren is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Lauren Magazine. She is passionate about interior design, creating homemade cocktails, baking, mental health, and encouraging others in their walk with God. She and her husband, Juan, share a 1-year-old daughter named Alexa and live in New Jersey.



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