Recently, I had the opportunity to fly to Tennessee for my sweet cousin’s bridal shower. We decided that my husband and son would stay home for this trip. My two girls and I would fly alone – and that felt very daunting to me! Fortunately, I picked up some tips for how to travel with a toddler on a plane – and I’m sharing them in this post!
Naturally, I was nervous about one main thing: security. This includes both getting through security and keeping all of us physically safe. Getting through security is challenging enough, and adding small kids to mix makes it even more challenging! My kids’ personal security was a whole other thing to be aware of. I wanted to make sure that they were with me at all times.
Like everything in life, we learn as we go! Here are my top three tips for flying with toddlers.
My original plan involved putting my then one-year-old in a baby carrier and my then three-year-old would wear a backpack leash that I found on Amazon. Upon the advice of my best friend, I took a stroller instead of the baby carrier. She was right about this! Having the girls strapped in the entire time from security to the gate was the best decision I made.
The stroller allowed us to go through security with no obstacles! I used the Joovy Side by Side, but any umbrella stroller will work. Once you and your family are boarding the plane, you can leave your stroller in its folded position at the entrance of the plane. This made for a very manageable airport experience.
In preparation for this trip, I stumbled upon a post online where a mom shared that she requested a gate pass for her husband to help her through security. When my husband and I arrived at the ticketing booth, I requested a gate pass. My husband was then able to help me through security and sit with us until we boarded. If you can’t get access to a gate pass, I will refer you back to tip number one about bringing the stroller to keep your children secure.
When you are booking your flight, you are at the mercy of the airport’s schedule. Before our flight, I gave the girls some protein-heavy snacks. I also packed fun snacks for the airplane. At the time, my youngest was taking formula. I packed clean, empty bottles and bought bottled water once inside the airport. I used TSA compliant formula dispensers and put the filled dispensers in a Ziplock bag. I packed this bag last, so it was at the top of the diaper bag and ready to take out for security to check.
Some things that kept my toddlers entertained were looking at pictures on my phone, scribbling on paper with pens, and singing with me. I did not have WIFI access, but next time I will splurge and get the WIFI. If you read my post on traveling with toddlers for road trips, you will know I am not a fan of giving toddlers screens to cope with boredom during travel. Airplanes are different because you are sharing a small space with strangers and the seating is rather tight. In this scenario, it would have been really nice to have a movie playing for the girls, as well as for myself!
I hope these tips are helpful if you find yourself needing to fly with a toddler. Have you ever had to figure out how to travel with a toddler on a plane? Leave your advice in the comments below!