An online lifestyle magazine for Christian women

Is God Your Confidant? A Glimpse of the Intimacy He Wants to Have

By , January 10, 2025

“For the Lord detests the perverse, but takes the upright into his confidence.” Proverbs 3:32 NIV

This is a short and simple verse, but one that speaks in a profound way about God’s heart toward his children. The phrase, “takes the upright into his confidence,” jumps out at me. When you take someone into your confidence, this implies more than just a casual friendship. It implies great trust. It implies deep intimacy. It conveys close proximity. It’s more than just love – it’s a closely knit relationship.

This wording implies the revealing of secrets. I believe that the writer (Solomon) is saying that God grants revelation about himself when we are close to him. When we study his Word and open up to him in prayer, his spirit will guide us to deeper levels of understanding and wisdom. Solomon is known for his immense wisdom, so I believe he is speaking from experience. We can trust that what he says about God is true.

This verse is truly a glimpse of the intimacy that God yearns to have with us. He loves to show us who he is, reveal his personal love for us, and to be the one we turn to when we face the good and the bad that life brings. He yearns to be our confidant.

How About You?

Is God the first person you confide in? Do you long to be someone that HE confides in? For me, this verse is a challenge to grow closer in my walk with God so that I can be someone that he takes into his confidence.

What is one step that you can take to grow closer to God? Perhaps you need to let go of a habitual sin that you’ve been convicted of. Maybe you need to spend more time reading the Bible and seeking to understand him. Perhaps you need to spend more time in prayer.

What to Do If You’re Struggling with Intimacy

If you are struggling with any of these things, I recommend this: just start talking to him. Don’t worry about saying the right thing or praying for everything and everyone on your list. Don’t worry at all about what you think your prayer should sound like. Just have a conversation with him about your day, your hopes, your dreams, and your fears. Talk to him like you would a friend. Confide in him about what’s truly in your heart, and let your conversation be the first step toward more depth in your relationship with God.

About Lauren Rose Correa

Lauren is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Lauren Magazine. She is passionate about interior design, creating homemade cocktails, baking, mental health, and encouraging others in their walk with God. She and her husband, Juan, share a 1-year-old daughter named Alexa and live in New Jersey.



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