Do you enjoy being alone? There are many benefits of alone time, and it’s important that you regularly take time to yourself. This can be challenge if you’re a mom, but when you are a parent it becomes that much more important. Making time for yourself will improve your mood, your mental state, and so many other things.
Even if you consider yourself an extrovert and enjoy being around people, you still need some alone time. Here are just some of the benefits of alone time:
I find that I am at my most creative when I’m alone with my thoughts. A lot of genius ideas stem from solitude. You can still enjoy group brainstorming sessions and work with others to bring your ideas to fruition, but frequently it is alone time that births ideas.
Good self-awareness comes from spending time with yourself. Sitting with your thoughts brings greater mental clarity and helps you to become aware of who you are, what your habits are, what you are thinking and feeling, and so much more.
Along with building self-awareness is improving your mental health. If you understand your emotions and learn how to regulate them, this will go a long way toward improving your mental state.
It’s easier to get things done when you are alone, without distractions from others. Having some regular alone time will help you be more productive.
As an introvert, I treat a night to myself with the same care and attention as I give a date night with my husband. In fact, I consider myself an expert on how to enjoy a night alone. I place a high value on my alone time, and I enjoy taking steps to make it extra special.
The next time you are treated to a night alone, keep these tips in mind to make the night memorable:
When I have a night to myself, I love to set the mood just as I would for a date night. Turn out the overhead lights. Burn a sweet-smelling candle. Play some music or play one of those ambience videos on YouTube. Treat it like a special night and your entire mood will change!
If you have a night alone, don’t waste it by scrolling on your phone the whole time. Instead, read a book or bust out a stack of magazines. I love to read design magazines or look for new recipe ideas in my cook books.
Don’t forget a sweet or savory treat for your night alone! Enjoy a glass of wine, a homemade cocktail or mocktail, or a special dessert. I love Prosecco and dark chocolate or ice cream.
It might not sound exciting, but the thing I most enjoy about alone time is reflection. Take time to think about your day – what special or funny thing happened? How did you spend time with loved ones? What are you feeling grateful for? To really cement the events of the day in your memory, try journaling these reflections. I love having old journal entries to help me remember moments I might otherwise forget.